Colleges You Shouldn’t Apply to in Canada if You Wish to Stay Back After Studies

Studying in Canada has become a popular option for overseas students. After completing the course or program, international students can apply for a post-study work permit, which allows them to stay in Canada. Within Canada, here’s all you need to know about colleges you shouldn’t apply to if you wish to stay back after studies, including the regulations and requirements:

Colleges You Shouldn’t Apply to in Canada if You Wish to Stay Back After Studies

  1. Canadian Career Education College
  2. East Coast Trade College
  3. McKenzie College
  4. Atlantic Career College
  5. York College of Applied Studies

Stay Back Options in Canada After Studies

International students who graduate from Canadian universities can stay in Canada to pursue a variety of job options.

International students can apply for a work permit in Canada after completing their master’s degree. There are several options for staying in Canada.

The Post-Graduation Work Permit Program allows you to stay in Canada after finishing your studies with a work permit for up to three years, depending on the course duration.

If you want to continue your studies after graduation, you can apply for a visa and study in Canada.

Staying in Canada after studies is a huge advantage for international students, and it will greatly benefit their careers.

The biggest draw for many international students is the opportunity to work in Canada following graduation.

Staying in Canada after completing a one-year course, for example, will be subject to eligibility for a one-year stay in Canada.

Similarly, if you complete a two-year full-time degree or study program, you can stay in Canada for up to three years.


Two qualifying conditions must be met to stay in Canada after you finish your studies. The student must either graduate from a DLI (Designated Learning Institute) college or university or obtain notification that they are qualified for a graduate degree from their particular institute.

Examine your possibilities for returning to Canada after completing your studies there.

Stay Back in Canada After PG Diplomas and Bachelors:

PG Diploma courses can last two to three years, while bachelor’s degrees in Canada often last four years.

Staying in Canada after receiving a diploma is permitted for the duration of the program.

Anything longer will allow you to stay in Canada for three years. The same is true for bachelor’s degrees.

As a result, the answer to the question of how long overseas students can stay in Canada after graduation is entirely dependent on the length of the course.

If the program lasts longer than 8 months, you may be able to obtain a work permit in Canada. We hope you found your solution to the question, “Can I stay in Canada after graduation?”

Stay Back in Canada After the Masters:

Every year, a huge number of international students pick Canada for their postgraduate studies.

There is also the option of returning to Canada after completing your master’s degree. The majority of Masters programs in Canada last one to two years.

If you apply for a one-year program, you will be eligible for a one-year stay in Canada, and if you apply for a two-year program, you will be eligible for a three-year stay in Canada.

Because there are many career opportunities in Canada, many students request work permits after completing their MBA in Canada.

In summary, regardless of your degree, the length of your stay in Canada after your master’s depends on the length of the program you studied there.

Canada International Student Work Permit After Graduation

A post-study work permit is one of the biggest benefits granted by the Canadian government to overseas students since it allows them to get valuable work experience.

It also assists you in applying for permanent residence if you do not intend to leave Canada. A postgraduate work visa in Canada is extremely advantageous for professional advancement.

Because they still have their valid study visa, international students who have completed their studies can work full-time.

Meanwhile, they can apply for temporary Canadian citizenship through the post-study work visa. Canada

After graduation, you can begin working in Canada as soon as you have a work permit. As previously said, you can apply for permanent residence in Canada, which allows you to live, study, and work anywhere in Canada while also providing you with some social benefits.

Work Permit Rules in Canada After Study

There are now rules and regulations. The conversation below may help you gain a general overview before delving more into the subject and deciding on your stay back after studying in Canada.

If you have completed a two-year education at a reputable Canadian institute and have one year of work experience in any skilled position, you are entitled to apply for permanent residency under the Canadian Experience Class system.

You can also be subjective about permanent residency through another method known as the Provincial Nominee Program.

The new regulation, which goes into force in November 2016, includes a point system. An overseas student can get 15 points under this method if he or she completes a full-time one-year to two-year degree program after secondary school.

If you complete a full-time Master’s program, if you have enrolled in a doctorate fellowship, or if you have completed any three-year course program at a post-secondary level, you are eligible to gain 30 points.

Eligibility Criteria for Application for a Post-study Work Permit

The following are the post-graduation work permit requirements for Canada:

  • You are 18 years old
  • In Canada, I studied for the last eight months without a break.
  • Have completed a full-time degree program at a reputable Canadian institute
  • You have a permission letter or paperwork from the institute that allows you to complete your degree program successfully. This is one of the most crucial criteria for obtaining a postgraduate work permit in Canada.
  • Make sure to apply for a work permit within three months of finishing your study program.
  • When applying for a work permit in Canada after graduation, be sure you have a valid study visa.

Post-graduate Work Permit Processing Time Canada

According to the official website of the Canadian government, the processing time for a post-study visa in Canada for work is 83 to 90 days.

It is crucial to remember that the processing time for a post-study work visa in Canada may vary from case to case.

Work Permit After Studies in Quebec

The procedure for Quebec is the same as described above for postgraduate work permit Canada applications.

Remember to apply for a work visa within 180 days of receiving your final findings from your college.

If you want to stay in Quebec permanently, you must begin your preparations before your PGWP expires.

You can obtain it through the PEQ (Québec experience program), which will grant you a CSQ (Certificat de sélection du Québec), which will qualify you for permanent residence.

Postgraduate Work Permit Canada College List

You will not be eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program if you attend all recognized learning institutions in Canada.

You should initially look at universities that can assist you in obtaining a work permit in Canada following graduation.

Check to see whether you are eligible here: Work permit for Canadian college graduates


Can I receive a work permit after finishing my studies in Canada?

Yes, you can receive a work visa in Canada after graduating or completing another diploma program that lasts longer than 8 months. The employment visa is valid for the duration of your study program in Canada, up to three years.

Can an international student leave Canada?

It is vital to know that after you cease studying, your study permit will no longer be deemed valid. As a result, you must notify Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that you are discontinuing your studies.

After graduation, how long may overseas students stay in Canada?

International students can stay in Canada after graduation based on the amount of time they spend studying there.

For example, if they complete a two-year program, they can stay in Canada for an additional two years. After graduation, they can apply online for a work permit in Canada.

How long does a work permit last after studying in Canada?

You can acquire a work permit that is the same length as your study course. For example, if you studied in Canada for 16 months, you will get a work permit that is 16 months long. If you study for three years, your work visa will be valid for three years, and so on.

Which colleges accept more than a 5-year gap in Canada?

  • New York Institute of Technology, Vancouver (NYIT)
  • Centennial College, Toronto.
  • Humber College, Toronto.
  • Seneca College, Toronto.
  • Royal Roads University, British Columbia.

Can I remain in Canada when my work visa expires?

Yes, you can stay for a few more days and take the necessary steps to extend your stay. To reinstate your work visa, you must apply within 90 days after its expiration. If you apply for it properly, you will be able to stay in Canada until you receive further instructions, but you will not be able to work until your work permit is restored.

Can I return to Canada after finishing my studies?

The Post Study Work Permit in Canada allows you to return to Canada after studying with a work permit for up to three years, depending on the length of the course. Students who desire to continue their studies after graduation might apply for a visa and study in Canada.

How do I stay in Canada when I finish my studies?

Students can stay in Canada by continuing their education or by applying for a work permit and working in Canada after graduating or receiving a diploma.

If you have a diploma, you can pursue a bachelor’s degree. If you have a bachelor’s degree, you can pursue a master’s degree. If you hold a master’s degree, you can pursue a PhD. The other alternative is to work in Canada with a work permit.

How can I apply for a work permit in Canada after finishing my studies?

Check your eligibility before applying for a postgraduate work permit in Canada after finishing your studies.

To begin, you will require an official letter from your university confirming the conclusion of your study program, as well as an official transcript. With these documents, you can apply for a work permit in Canada after completing your studies anywhere in the world.

After one year of study, how many years may I work in Canada?

After one year of studies in Canada, you will be able to work for one year and then depart the country if you apply for a work permit. The duration of your work permit is entirely dependent on the length of your study program in Canada.

Can I continue to live in Canada after my student visa expires?

Yes, you may remain in Canada as a temporary resident until the decision on your new permit application is reached, provided your visa extension application was submitted before your legal stay expired.

When your research permit expires, you must cease all activities specified in the original study permit and apply for a new permit.

If you are compelled to leave the nation after studying in Canada, you can apply for a work visa from your native country.

Can I stay in Canada after finishing my master’s degree?

You can stay in Canada after finishing your master’s degree. There are two possibilities available to you. First, with a fresh visa, you can continue your education. Second, you can apply for a work visa and work in Canada after finishing your studies. You will be able to stay in Canada after completing your master’s degree for the duration of your studies.

How do I acquire a job in Canada after a year of study?

To be eligible for a PR application, applicants must have at least 12 months of work experience in a skilled occupation in Canada.

Also, candidates must apply within three years of gaining one year of qualifying job experience. If you match the standards of the Canadian immigration policy, you can apply for PR while on a post-work permit in Canada.


Remember that your ability to remain in Canada after graduation is dependent not just on the college you attend but also on your field of study, networking activities, and compliance with immigration restrictions.

Furthermore, Canada’s immigration policies and procedures are subject to change, so being up to date on the current immigration rules and pathways is critical.